The Humiliation Archive of Heads deserve it!

ok i'm actually gonna keep a list of updates...well obviously i took out all the shit that used to be here cause it was all friggin' pointless...and i have a new addition...ok i thought about the organization of our website, and i think we should have multiple ways of navigation. the first type is by individuals or groups. in individuals, we'll just list out the names of the ppl we have in our archive, and groups doesn't really need a sub category... ok then our second type of navigation is by what type of picture it is, like anime, book character, or w/e. ok? please respond and give feedback! (wow that sounded fruity) ok then cya guys.
-toilet child

"Magical Lynny" an addition by the toilet child...(my first one had to be taken down...*sob*)

Case you don't know, the guy is Emily Tsui's brother
"Dao J. and Dan T." Ho! Vlurry's 1st one

A new addition by the Great Sway!

"Paula Potter" By the Great Sway

"Angela Skuld" By the Great Sway